About the Corporation

Our Team

General Director of The Development Corporation

“The Development Corporation of the Novosibirsk Region was established and continues to operate in the interests of business.

We provide comprehensive investor support, finding partners, organising interactions with authorities at all levels, selecting investment platforms for implementing projects with engineering support as well as instruments of federal and regional state support, and presenting investor projects to the Investment Council of the Novosibirsk Region.

Let me introduce you professional team of the Corporation, people who will resolve any issues related to the promotion of investment projects in the Novosibirsk Region.”

General Director of The Development Corporation

Alexander Zyryanov

+7 (383) 383-04-94 info@air-nso.ru

First Deputy General Director

  • development of the Corporation's development strategy and its planning
  • organization of interaction among Corporation's departments
  • coordination of the work of the Corporation's departments, control over the fulfillment of assigned tasks
  • participation in the analysis of the Corporation's effectiveness and the development of measures to improve it
  • representation of the Corporation's interests on external platforms

First Deputy General Director

Vyacheslav Radionov

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 214) rvu@air-nso.ru

Заместитель генерального директора

  • вопросы развития туристической отрасли, сопровождения инвестпроектов в сфере туризма, в том числе в части подбора мер государственной поддержки
  • вопросы развития сельских территорий, реализации инвестиционных проектов в  сфере сельского хозяйства, в том числе в части развития сельскохозяйственной кооперации и подбора мер государственной поддержки для сельхозтоваропроизводителей

Заместитель генерального директора

Эссауленко Татьяна Борисовна

8 (383) 383-04-94 (доб. 203) etb@air-nso.ru

Director of the Investor Support Department

  • ensuring the Development Corporation’s work in the one-stop format
  • support for potential investors and residents of the Corporation's park projects at all stages of project implementation
  • implementation, consulting, selection and assistance in obtaining federal and regional state support measures

Director of the Investor Support Department

Elena Gogoleva

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 228) geg@air-nso.ru

Director of the Investor Attraction Department

  • selection and registration of sites for the implementation of investment projects in the territory of the Novosibirsk Region, including tourism ones
  • development of engineering support for investment sites
  • assistance in the formation and implementation of park, complex and special projects (development of concepts and master plans)
  • large-scale investment projects support
  • register formation of investment sites of the region
  • support for residents of the Territories of Advanced Development (TAD)

Director of the Investor Attraction Department

Alexey Svistunov

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 200) svistunov@air-nso.ru

Директор департамента перспективного развития

  • создание новых, стимулирование развития действующих парковых проектов НСО 
  • формирование благоприятного инвестиционного климата и повышение инвестиционной привлекательности НСО
  • формирование системы поддержки новых инвестиционных проектов
  • реализация новых инвестиционных проектов

Директор департамента перспективного развития

Голышева Ирина Сергеевна

8 (383) 383-04-94 (доб. 272) mis@air-nso.ru

Advisor of the General Director

  • development and support of tourism projects
  • development and implementation of projects in creative economy sector
  • arranging interaction of investors with development institutions and financial organisations
  • interaction with partner and agent network in order to promote investment projects of the Novosibirsk Region

Advisor of the General Director

Lada Yurchenko

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 255) ylv@air-nso.ru

Director of the Commercial Projects Department

  • management of commercial projects of the Development Corporation

Director of the Commercial Projects Department

Alexey Patlay

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 233) paa@air-nso.ru

Director of the Regional Competence Center in labor productivity

  • organization of a «one-stop shop» for regional enterprises participating in the national project «Labor Productivity»
  • audit of the labor productivity growth reserve of enterprises participating in the national project
  • development of programs and projects to increase the productivity of enterprises
  • assistance in obtaining preferential financing for regional enterprises participating in the national project
  • methodological support for enterprises and public authorities on issues of increasing labor productivity
  • organization of training (seminars, courses, conferences) in labor productivity improvement

Director of the Regional Competence Center in labor productivity

Polina Kolenchenko

+7 913 926 61 00 kpn@air-nso.ru

Director of the Competence Center in agricultural cooperation and farmers support

  • assistance in the creation of agricultural cooperatives
  • economic, legal, marketing support
  • selection and assistance in obtaining state support

Director of the Competence Center in agricultural cooperation and farmers support

Konstantin Tereshenko

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 245) tke@air-nso.ru

Director of the Marketing and International Relations Department

  • interaction with the media; information support for the Development Corporation activities and projects
  • advertising the investment potential and investment projects of the Novosibirsk Region
  • organisation of participation in congress and exhibition events, organising and holding events on the initiative of the Corporation
  • interaction with investors on the preparation and implementation of joint information and advertising projects
  • development and support for the Development Corporation Internet projects
  • consulting on entering foreign markets
  • organization of cooperation with foreign partners

Director of the Marketing and International Relations Department

Olesya Guzey

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 209) goe@air-nso.ru

Director of the Department of Budgeting and Accounting

  • Financial and accounting support of the Development Corporation of the Novosibirsk Region


Director of the Department of Budgeting and Accounting

Larisa Gorbunova

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 220) glm@air-nso.ru

Director of the Legal Department

  • advising investors on issues relating to the procedure for establishing a legal entity, registering the issue of shares at its establishment (for joint-stock companies), and formulating constituent documents based on specific features of the investment project
  • selection of the optimal legal form for entities related to the implementation of the investment project
  • advising investors on any issues relating to the applicable laws of the Russian Federation which may arise during implementation of the investment project

Director of the Legal Department

Darya Levashova

+7 (383) 383-04-94 (ext. 213) ldm@air-nso.ru

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